I just scored a BINGO on my “breathless fanboy Silicon Valley BS blog post” bingo card. 😡

Kind of annoying, I’m usually better about detecting those before I waste some of the “precious minutes I have left on this earth” reading them. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Set up the Vive Wireless Adaptor and Vive Headphone Replacement Strap on the VR PC. Why didn’t I do this earlier? Now all I need is a VR focused web browser that doesn’t require me to return to the console to type …

A thing that annoys me about my personal attempts at using social media: my complete inability to type short sentences without typos in them.

I wonder what percentage of tweets of mine have typos? (Today is non-zero, sadly)

Stop posting long-form Content to Services Where you Don't Control It

I have run across a few posts on Twitter recently generated via twitlonger.com, and I’d like to encourage people to #ownyourcontent and not write it on these sorts of services.

Create a micro.blog, it’s free. Write posts there and have them automatically posted to twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, and/or Mastodon. If/when you want to turn your micro.blog into a “real blog”, you’ll have your content there, not buried in Twitter, making the Silicon Valley bigwigs and VC’s rich at your expense.

As a bonus, micro.blog can read and re-post other feeds, so when I post something on my actual blog blairmacintyre.me/blog, it appears on my micro.blog too, and gets forwarded elsewhere.

(BTW, this isn’t a slam of twitlonger.com, which looks cool … I just think the whole concept is misguided)

(Normallly I post longer things like this on my actually blog, but it seemed appropriate to post this directly to my micro.blog. The free url is micro.blog/blair, but I pay a few bucks a month so it appears as bmaci.me)

Time for a Haus Party with @todrick music.apple.com

To the rocket scientists suing Apple because of their “monopolistic” App Store: this is what happens when you don’t control the App Store. Just saying. apple.news

‘Agent Smith’ Android malware infected 25M devices - Mashable

I loved and hated Rocket League, this is amusing apple.news

Congress is bad at Rocket League - The Verge

“Peak Silicon Valley”: Uber Comfort costs more, but it’s worth it to the better-off to not have to acknowledge their living-hand-to-mouth-gig-worker driver is a human being

Is it just me, or have the use of “click on images with X in them” CAPTCHA’s become insanely pervasive? I’m getting to the point where I want to punch my screen when one of those appears

‪Not drinking booze right now, been looking into “mocktails”, esp ones that aren’t glorified soda or fruit juice (ie, boring, sugary). Discovered @SeedlipDrinks … amazing. Not cheap, but cheaper than good booze!

‘Sup, nerds

It’s been 3 years since I looked at Typescript. Nothing has changed, right? I should be good to go? Whipping up some sample code for my upcoming class should be a cake walk? (ok, I have all the previous materials, but so much of that has changed too).

I’ll be hosting all materials for my class this fall on github. I’m teaching CS 3451, Introduction to Computer Graphics, at Georgia Tech. Like the last time I taught, in Fall 2015, I’ll be using 100% web technology for the class, and (mostly likely) using TypeScript

The lost of impact, and sharing with the world, that results from our classes disappearing inside opaque, crappy “courseware” systems is really sad. I used to find my slides in use at lots of schools, especially small ones.

I shan’t be using these systems going forward.

Years ago, @georgiatech started using a horrible “courseware” system, like everyone else. At the time, I bemoaned that our courses were becoming hidden from the world. I’m teaching CS3451 in the fall, after 4 years, so I googled “CS3451 gatech”, and find … nothing useful.

Can we narrow the Democratic field, please?

Biden and Sanders are toast, wonder when they admit it? Seems the remaining viable candidates are Warren, Harris, Buttigieg, and Castro. Add Booker and Klobuchar, perhaps O’Rourke and Gillibrand for 8 (although those last two are likely toast too). Would like to see Biden and Sanders admit defeat sooner rather than later, so perhaps the establishment can get over Biden’s departure soon, and the Bernie Bros can throw their tantrum but have time to realize that Warren carries their issues in a smarter, more coherent, less crazy-uncle way. As of right now, I’m happy to see Warren or Harris win.

I did a Trip Advisor review once, in 2012. Every few months, they send me a helpful message letting me know that “with just 2 reviews you’ll reach TripCollective Level 1?”

I’m passively aggressively never ever going to do another Trip Advisor review

What is the opposite of OCD? As in, someone who can’t resist moving one of a group of neatly aligned post-its, or drawing on a clean whiteboard? #askingforafriend

This is pretty spot on (although I like Harris more than this would imply I should). “If The Democratic Primary Field Was a University History Department” notesironbound.blogspot.com/2019/06/i…

I’ve rediscovered how much I like the London Fog (Earl Grey tea, half cup of hot water, squirt of vanilla syrup, frothed milk). I use less vanilla than a coffee shop, and we’re using Oat Milk (one of the only non-cow milks that our espresso machine frother gets along with) #yum

Spent the last two weeks in Whistler, Vancouver and Seattle. Gotta say, being back in #hotlanta, looking forward at July and August, is kinda depressing …

Love the northwest, the mountains, the clean crisp air.


In honor of our campus visit to @SFU with our daughter, I’m listening to some of the best pipe music I have on my phone

I’ve had multiple people over the past month tell me they find my frequent use of two spaces after a period amusingly old fashioned. If they only knew how many times I remove one of those spaces… #kidsthesedays

Oh, this is cute. A “browser for the old internet”, using the wayback machine, so you can experience the web as it looked from 1994-2004 … defaulted to 1996, here’s my Columbia web page in 1996.